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Tawaste Thai
Yoga Bodywork

Greetings to this studio offering...  Thai Yoga Massage!


This is assisted yoga bodywork with myofacial release. We are clothed and work up ancient energy lines to clear and flow our energy prana. This is ancient healing bodywork. You could google your brains out on the topic ;) I have of course put my personal touch... pun intended... to this bodywork.   We go slowwww, 108 mins more or less. To take time to settle to the earth, to release our reins on this so called life, and receive connective tissue release. It's powerful and peaceful. We listen to relaxing tunes. I share affirmations and keep us guided in breath. I am the one who moves and stretches, The receiver does just that... receives. Welcome to my practice of Loving Kindness.

Sounds Fabulous doesn't it?? For reals, it is!


Life is good. Sharing kindness is great.

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